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 Dekan the Dragon Fighter

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PostSubyek: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:59 am

Mari kita Bahas di forum ini tentang atau Dekan. Tentang status / Tipe
:lol!: :lol!:
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:13 pm

hah dekan?????

aq jd rektor aja ah....
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PostSubyek: Dekan's Types   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:19 pm

Dekan ada 3 macem...

- STR Dekan : Pake Zhen yang dibelah jadi dua... Attack speed naik defense turun... Biasanya jadi Dragon Knight
- VIT Dekan : Pake Zhen biasa... Jurus utamanya Ngorbanin HP dan bisa jadi tanker mantap
- INT Dekan : Pake Zhen biasa... Jurus utamanya serangan jarak jauh bermagic damage... Tanker Magic... dan job 2nya pasti jadi Dragon Sage...

Semuanya punya kelemahan dan kelebihan... tergantung style pemain aja XD
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:51 pm

Bagusan pilih Tipe STR karna gw sukanya speed
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PostSubyek: Copas : DEKAN INT   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:57 pm

Opiniku : Buat Dragon Sage untuk Hajar Iwan si Warlock

Dragon Sage Class Build (tank/pvp)

This is a great Tank/PVP build that i am using and having alot of fun with. The main focus is using Health Drain, and Breath for your main two damage spells. Its is very important to max out Mana to health spell and Health to mana spell. These 2 spells will make you pretty much invincible with nearly no need for potting.

This build will not allow you to deal a whole lot of damage with your weapon as this build has the minimum strenght but you will get a large chunk of damage dealing with Health Drain and Breathe as they are intelligence based.

For your pvp you are gonna need to rely on your ability to maximize your Rapid Lock spell and be able to use youre Mana to Health and Health to Mana spell efficiently. So if you are not good with micro managing during battle this may not be the right build for you. Also because of limited strenght you are going to become a lucky expert at weapon/armor requirement decreasing.

This build has so many options that you can choose from for pve and pvp and has some nice DoT’s. They problem for a typical Dekan Sage build is to not supply the mana pool needed to sustain these spells. Luckily i have done alot of calculating and have come with the proper amount of wisdom/physche needed to fully restore your health bar with Mana to Heald spell. And just enough vitality to fully recover mana bar fully from health. This build has a ton of int for the two main damage dealing spells you are going to be using: Health Drain, and Breathe.

Mana guard is where this build is going to shine and make you pretty much invincible for 60 seconds which is more than enough time to dispatch most classes in pvp.

Stat Point Build at Level 99
Dekan the Dragon Fighter Sage_tank_pvp_stats

The recommended spell upgrades:

(Dragon Fighter Tree)
Dekan the Dragon Fighter Sage_figher_tank_pvp_skill_guide

1. Level 5: 100% Blazing Elemental Attack, +50% Elemental Defense, 8% chance to convert 9% of damage to HP.
2. Level 1: Targeted monster attacks you, taunt duration increases as you level up.
3. Level 5: 30% melee attack for 30 minutes.
4. Level 1: -25% weapon damage, -10% physical defense, +60% attack speed.
5. Level 5: Uses 10% of HP then converts 275% of it into MP.
6. Level 5: Uses 20% of HP then converts 135% of it into damage on target.
7. Level 5: Uses 10% of MP then converts 750% of it into HP.
8. Level 5: Damages target for 700% of Magic Attack value.
9. Level 5: Serangan Magic Juga
10. Level 5: -100% damage from targets while stunned, lasts 30 seconds.

(Dragon Sage Tree)
Dekan the Dragon Fighter Sage_tank_pvp_skill_guide

1. Level 5: +15% Zhen damage, lasts 30 minutes.
2. Level 1: Detects invisible players or monsters within 15 meters for 30 seconds.
3 Level 5: Decrease damage from critical hits by 500 points, lasts for 5 minutes.
4. Level 1: Cancels root.
5. Level 5: Decreases damage by 1200% of your INT value, lasts for 60 seconds.
6. Level 5: Transform into a Dragon, +25% attack, +20% HP, lasts for 8 minutes.
7. Level 5: 180% of INT+DEX values added to critical damage upon successfull critical hit, lasts 30 minutes.
8. Level 5: 5% of damage dealt is absorbed to your HP.
9. Level 1: +50% attack speed, lasts 15 seconds.
10. Level 1: +50% attack speed, lasts 15 seconds.
11. Level 1: Disables targets defense and adds 50% damage.
12. Level 5: +25% chance to increase attack range and -40% damage reduction to targets within 10 meters.
13. Level 5: Doubles M.Kill count for each monster, lasts 5 minutes.
14. Level 5: Increase defense by 300.
15. Level 2: +15% to movement speed.

Copyright freetoplaymmorpgs

Terakhir diubah oleh annastrife tanggal Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:17 pm, total 2 kali diubah
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:58 pm

Loh.. ne kan khusus yang wat sage mana yang wat Dragon Knight ??
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PostSubyek: Dragon Sage Diatas   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:00 pm

ITU pake build 3 INT 1 VIT keknya...

@Harajunku : Sabar Jun... Belum dapet guide yang bagus...
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:06 pm

Ok2 siap menungu
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PostSubyek: Dekan Character (STR and VIT type) by Fatal Death   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:21 pm

===Pure Strength build===
Pros : Extreme Insane Damage, more damage = faster leveling
Cons : not too high of defense, poor magic def. moderate to bad hp.

===3 Strength 1 Vitality===
Pros : Massive damage, moderate hp. fast leveling
Cons : average defense, poor magic defense. moderate hp. cant tank well

===1 Strength 3 Vitality===
Pros : Pretty o.k damage. Good hp and good def. tanking build
Cons : poor magic defense. damage not as decent as other builds

===Pure Vitality build===
Pros : Extremely high hp and good defense. total tanker and PvP ownage
Cons : Low damage, leveling is slow. bad magic defense

Some Facts for Dekans
1. Add 1-2 dex every 5 levels, as dex is an pretty important stat which improves your accuracy and other stats. Recommended
2. The 2/2 build is not very recommended. Not good in either PvP nor PvE, too balanced in a way
3. Dekans deal massive damage, decent aoes, but has low magic def. Avoid mages
4. This game really isnt about soloing. Its party based. party up with classes (preferably elfs)
5. Dragon Mode is only in non - separation mode

-======Separation and Non Separation======-

This is just a simple difference between separation and non-separation

Separation -Using the weapon as 2. Fast speed, lower damage, loses physical def as well.
Pros - fast attacking speed
Cons - lose 10% physical def, less damage

Non- separation - Using the weapon as 1. Slow speed, higher damage.
Pros - higher damage, no 10% physical def lost compare to separation
Cons - slow attacking speed

-======Dk and Ds - Dragon Knight and Dragon Sage======-

At level 50, you can move on to sub-classes. 2 for each class. For dekan- it is drag knight and sage

Dragon Knight (DK) - Good damage, but lacks defense abilities. Focused more on PvP imo.

Dragon Sage (DS) - Pretty good damage, little attack skills, but has tremendous buffs such as the defense buff (last skill which brings up 350 + def)

Basically, dragon knight seems like a better class because of its skills but in the long run dragon sage would benefit more because as you reach higher level the buffs with sage is > buffs with knight. Again, this have not been tested, this is pure justification that i’ve gathered from asking other people and reading forum threads about dekans.

To Put it simple, if you would like to go for PvP then go DK because it has better pvp skills. if you would like to go for PvE then go for DS because they have good skills like def boost.

Again, not all of these information are the best. No guarantees. These are just guidelines that i’ve collected.
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:28 pm

Gw pilihnya No 2 aj yang Tentang 3 STR 1 VIT dan naturalnya tetap Ke Damage mantab Tq anna
Lupa satuhal Statusnya Mo gimama dan Job treenya ap ja mo dinaikin Kok DK g ad yang ad kok cuma DS ??
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PostSubyek: TTG Dekan Vit   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:44 pm

Dekan VIT mantab di PvP... tp susah levelingnya... ^^

Jadi klo km mau hebat di PvP mending VIT

Tapi itu juga cuma Opiniku ^^

STR jg lumayan di PvP...

Yang penting Mikir2 aja gimana cara bisa menang dari Warlock...

Tapi tu nanti aja... Yang penting ngerti gamenya dulu...
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:47 pm

Anna pleasee Gambar job tree sama Status yang harus dinaikan wat Dekan
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:54 pm


avatarnya annaaa!!

aq lum pnya pto yg ituuuuu

:P :P

wah..dekan byk jg tipernya...

jd str aja dresss

blader mode ON
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:56 pm

Makanya itu Gw sukanya STR tapi Vit dikit biar ga bocor2 abis
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PostSubyek: STR Dekans by emO-Lines (Non SEP!!!)   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:11 pm

@Harajunku : Separation (Membagi Zhen jadi 2) ngga bisa dipake waktu berubah jadi Naga... Jadi pikir2 jun...

Di build jadi jago PvP


LVLs 1~50

STR = 3
VIT = 1
DEX = the usual 50 BASE dex at lvl 50 is followed here

i suggest putting 1 dex every 5lvls and upon reaching lvl 40, your dex should be at a point where you should put 1pt every lvl to satisfy the 50 BASE dex by lvl 50

LVLs 51~70

STR = 5
VIT = 1
DEX = Put additional points if you think you miss too often or according to your gameplay

i myself didnt put any addition to 50dex because with all the DEX buffs you can get from other characters and items such as acc,weapon,buff etc., you can reach 100dex quite easily and achieve good accuracy against agi type dhans.
But as i have said, it is completely up to you because this is only a guide

LVLs 71~99

STR = 7
VIT = 1
DEX = same as 51~70

ok now for the most common trouble for all noobies out there

what skills should i get?

well here is my way of investing points on different skills

(Good for 1v1 PVP and PVE, slower mob attack speed would mean less damage you take)


(Good for Chasing PPL in PK and PVP but useless in PVE)

(do you have any better idea?)

(DONT max this early, max it after getting Dragon's Tail LVL 5)

(dont use this skill unless you want to ppl to laugh at you)

(max it RIGHT after getting Health Funnel LVL 5)

(you just cant resist healing laugh.gif )

(there is no use maxing this one, LVL1 and LVL5 deal the same damage)

(believe me, you need it. you can even get LVL 2 if you dont like spamming this skill that has 4sec CD)

(please get this only after reaching LVL 30)

so that's it for the Dragon Fighter Class
you should have this skill tree by lvl 50

1~5 Darkness/Frozen
1 Taunt
5 Dragon's Power
5 Dragon's Tail
5 Health Funnel
1 Zhen Counter
3 Dragon's Skin
1 Health to Mana

22 Skill points used out of 49 available which leaves you 27 Skill points to use when you change class into a DK


(more damage)

(max this only for PvE, understand that in PVP, ppl do more than 5k dmg in high lvls so its almost useless there)

(hmm, let me see, i dont know why you should get this)

D ) LVL 1 - MIST
(prerequisite to get penetrate)

(max this only after you got Lunacy, Dragon's Nail, Penetrate, Sudden Death and Fast Shadow)

(your one and only stun skill in regular zhen mode)

(Very powerfull skill, honestly, i believe in high levels, this will be my main killing skill)

(prerequisite to get lunacy)

(additional attack speed is very much encouraged!)
(get Sudden Death first before this one)

(prerequisite to get Sudden Death)

(you will love 18% more damage than critting 5% more often)
(max this one before maxing Lunacy because you can get this a lot earlier which can help you gain lvl faster)

(deadly skill if used in the right time,)
TIP : use only after enemy has used elixir

(its up to you how long you want to put your enemy to sleep and have time to talk trash)
lvl1 - just to fissle enemy(escaping CS/Fixation) / lvl5 - i love it when i can say "bye bye" to them before actually killing them

(very helpful skill to escape from disablers)

so when you finish this you should have

5 Zhen Mastery
5 Evolve
5 Fast Shadow
5 Penetrate
5 Dragon's Nail
5 Toxic Pots
5 Lunacy
5 Sudden death
2 Extricate
1~5 Crit Immunity
1~5 Dark Spell
1~5 Suction
1~5 Forced Lock

46 skill points is used here so if you use your 27 spare skill points as Dragon Fighter Class, you should be able to finish your skill build by LVL 69

afterwards you can max any skill you want but priority are the ones i indicated as 1~5
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PostSubyek: Dekan secara global   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:16 pm

Kalo mau benar-benar jadi tanker pilih DS full vit jgn DK full vit.. Buat bunuh DS full vit perlu orang satu kampung... Biasa dia jadi TB buat Pit Boss,tapi DS full vit hanya harapin fore foot swing dari darahnya sekitar 5 K damage nya setelah itu pukulannya geli2 wakaka... DS juga bisa full int,itu bagus juga soalnya ada jurus stunnya yang pasti masuk n delay nya cepat
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:23 pm

wUOhhhhh makasih anna atas Guidenya sangat membantu Tq
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PostSubyek: ^^   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:26 pm

U're Welcome...

Di game pasti masih buaaaanyaaaak baanget pertanyaan nih hahahaha
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:32 pm

waduh gak bisa upload pic ya?
gw tulis aja deh skill buat dragon knight str

Job Dekan
- Elemen lvl 1 ( gak usah ambil full soalnya jadi naga gak kepake skill ini)
- Taunt lvl 1
- Dragon Power lvl 5
- Seperation lvl 1 (buat hunt sebelom ada skill evolve dan buat jaga2 kalo jadi naga trus didispel)
- Sepa slash lvl 5 (buat hunt sebelom ada skill evolve dan buat jaga2 kalo jadi naga trus didispel)
- Dragon Tail lvl 5 (evolve bisa pake)
- Zhen Counter lvl 5 (evolve bisa pake)
- Dragon Skin lv 5 (ambil jika skill point dah mencukupi buat yg laen)

Job Dragon Knight
- Zhen Mastery lv 5
- Blue Defend lvl 5
- Critical immunity lvl 5
- Evolve lvl 5
- Forced lock lvl 5
- Fast shadow lvl 5
- Penetrate lvl 5
- Dragon Nail lvl 5
- Soul Deviner lvl 5 ( buat seperation)
- Toxic Potion lvl 5 ( buat pvp)

-Suction // Sudden Death // Blood effect // Lunarcy lvl 5 (salahsatu aja yg di naekin full soalnya skill ini adalah skill on/off passive, dan cuman 1 skill yg bisa jalan)
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:34 pm

Kelemahan utama dekan...
waktu evolve trus di dispell ama wizard ato templar.. skill evolve jadi ilang dan mesti nunggu delay lg. (delay evolve 10menit)
makanya kalo yg maen str mesti ambil skilll seperation buat jaga2....
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:11 pm


XClave memang Suhu Dekan paling top!!!


Baca tuh Harajunku Smile Poring

Aku cuma bisa berdasarkan artikel orang aja... ga pernah pake dekan sampe lvl tinggi...
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PostSubyek: Pelajaran baruuuu....   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:47 pm

Clave wrote:
Kelemahan utama dekan...
waktu evolve trus di dispell ama wizard ato templar.. skill evolve jadi ilang dan mesti nunggu delay lg. (delay evolve 10menit)
makanya kalo yg maen str mesti ambil skilll seperation buat jaga2....

wahhh..... cara yang bagus buad lawan dekan.... :bball:
siiippp dah....!!!
pelajari.. pelajari... pelajari... :study:
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:56 pm


Ada mata-mata warlock rupanya di sini ahahaha...

No Fear~ :P
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PostSubyek: Re: Dekan the Dragon Fighter   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:17 am

K ini Opini gw yg maseh maen US rohan
Yg pasti hrs hati2 dalem masukin skill point, karena skill point nya bener2 pas2 an. Pilih mana yg bener2 anda mau
ada bbrp tipe naga
Untuk Dragon knight:
Int Dragon knight: jgn sekali2 buat yg ini, useless
Str Dragon knight : Jgn sekali2 buat pure str, karena rapuh banget, attacknya gede tp matinya jg gampang
Hybrid Dragon Knight: Nah ini yg mantep, berdasarkan experiment ama pvp ama temen gw jg.
Buildnya str vit, make ur own build... yg pasti strnya gede. Vit at least 200... buat bocoran neh ahah. Attacknya gede, teros pake ffs (fore foot swing) pvp isa 2k dmgnya kalo lv 7. HP gede sekitar 16k, attack gede, def jg mayan ok.

Untuk Dragon Sage:
Vit DS: kalo mao buat vit jgn nanggung2, lsg aja buat full vit biar kayak badak. En Full vit DK> Full vit defender. FFS nya bisa 4-5k per hit, btw FFS tuh 10 sec cool down. PVP jgn ditanya, kaga ada yg bisa bunuh anda 1vs1, kec kalo str dhan hoki bisa mind exchange anda. Butuh org sekampung untuk bunuh neh badak, krn kalo dmg yg diterima sama hp regennya gedean hp regennya, ya ga bakalan mati2 wkwkw
Int DS: Ini jg gede dmgnya kalo PvE (Player versus Enemy), tp somehow disini pvp nya bug maseh an. Seharusnya namanya base on magic ya attacknya base on magic attack, ini malah diconvert ke melee, jadinya melee attack lol.
Kalo pvp dmgnya dinerf banget
Str DS: Attack gede, Def jg gede dr imprenetable (lv 7 Pd/Md +500). tp kalo lawan Hybrid DK kalah heheh. TP kalo buat lv ing mantep jg, ada skillnya dia yg namanya splinter kalo ga salah... 25% chance doing aoe damage, passive skill only during naga mode. Stun skillnya tiap 15 sec, sedangkan drgn knight tiap 30 sec, gw suka dragon wing skill hehe mantep +40% movement on lv 6, +50% lv 7

Btw Dragon knight ada skill yg bener2 ngejos buat pvp, yaitu lupa namanya... gunanya musuh ga bisa pake pot selama 50 sec pvp only... neh skill mantep banget
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PostSubyek: Wise Chose   Dekan the Dragon Fighter Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:32 am

Ow... Gitu banyak neh Guide tentang Job Tree sama status tapi Opini orang2 beda2 mana ya yang harus gw ikutin...? coz ntar gw takut gagal Charnya
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