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 ELF the Healer

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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:30 pm

Semua yang mau pake ELF HARAP BACA TOPIC INI!!! hahahaha :P

Terakhir diubah oleh annastrife tanggal Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:06 am, total 2 kali diubah
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PostSubyek: ELF PRIEST WITH LIGHT PVP SKILL BY HAPLO31   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:35 pm

Elf Priest Class Build (Light PvP/Pure Group PvE)

If you like be a support type of character then this class and build is for you. This build is not pure group PvE but it get the job done without any complaints from your party. Hard be killed with this build but you will live off your Magic Barrier and pray that you don’t get debuffed when your recast of it is under cool down.

Stat Build: I only put points in 2 areas of that stats. Most are put into Psyche but not all like most builds. I put a decent amount into intelligence to so that you have light pvp ability. This build has more than enough points in psyche to use Magic Barrier effectively and not worry about ever running out of mana in most cases. Intelligence was added so that you could maximize your use of Poison and maximize the potential of spells that are dependant on pysche and intelligence. However these psyche/intelligence skills are not in the build and is intended to be added later when you find skill stones off mobs or buy them in the cash shop.

PvE: The only time you should ever solo is when you are doing quests and that is if you can’t find a party. The rest of the time its good to just live off constantly party matching for high level mob grinds or dungeon parties. Its not too terribly hard, all you have to do is click the heal button here and there, and occasionally group heal. You will be pmed like mad to join parties and you can get into some great boss farming parties and get some really great gears or items for synthesis.

PvP: If you want better 1v1 pvp then go with the templar as priest is not that great at it. You can be tough to kill with you Magic Barrier and some damage reduction spells but you won’t be able to deal enough DoT damage and DPS to kill many people unless they screwed their build up. Priests are very important in grup pvp to keep thos tanks and damage dealers alive. The main focus in group pvp is to keep people alive Smile Poring

Stat Point Build at Level 99
ELF the Healer Elf_classbuild_prieststats

The recommended spell upgrades:
(Elf Healer Tree)
ELF the Healer Elf_priestbuild_healertree

1. Heal-Level 5: Heals the target by 600% of Intelligence and 600% of Wisdom.
2. MP Recovery-Level 4: Increases the MP recovery speed of the target by 50% for 12 minutes.
3. Cure Confusion-Level 1: Cures the target of confusion.
4. Divine Aura-Level 1: Party only skill. When monsters become hostile, instantly resets the aggro value of the caster.
5. Cure Silence-Level 1: Cures target of Silence.
6. Holy Light-Level 2: Attack spell with damage equal to 460% of Wisdom.
7. Magic Buff-Level 5: Increases the magical attack power of the target by 25% for 30 minutes.
8. Group Heal-Level 5: Heals the entire party by 700% of Wisdom and 200% of Intelligence.
9. Reveal Hidden-Level 1: Hidden players and monsters in a radius of 12 will be revealed for 30 seconds.
10. Magic Barrier-Level 5: Absorbs physical damage 12 times the caster’s Wisdom, lasts 60 seconds if not all damage is absorbed.
11. Teleport-Level 1: Instantly teleports 7 meters in the direction that the caster selects.
12. Ressurection-Level 1: Resurrects target of up to level 20 with 10% of HP.
13. Poison-Level 5: Deals 10 ticks of damage over time by 100% of Intelligence and 50% of Wisdom over 30 seconds.
14. Kill Time-Level 1: Causes the next skill cast to not have a recast time. Effective duration 15 minutes if unused.

The recommended spell upgrades:
(Elf Priest Tree)

ELF the Healer Elf_priestbuild_priesttree
1. Blue Fountain-Level 5: Increases the total MP of the target by 25% for 30 minutes.
2. Reincarnation-Level 5: Resurrects target of up to level 100 with 75% HP and MP. Restores 70% of the experience lost.
3. Mighty-Level 5: Increases all stats of the target by 15% for 30 minutes.
4. Dispel-Level 1: Removes barriers on the target.
5. Group Wisdom Buff-Level 5: Increases the Wisdom of the entire party by 15% for 30 minutes.
6. Cleanse-Level 1: Randomly removes 2 buffs from an enemy or 2 debuffs from a friendly target.
7. Blass Staff-Level 5: Increases the staff damage of the target by 15% for 30 minutes.
8. Holy Attack-Level 5: Attack spell with damage equal to 850% of Wisdom.
9. Holy Resistence-Level 5: Increases all resistances of the entire party by 25%.
10. Vacuum-Level 1: Prevents the target from using general attacks for 10 seconds. Cannot be used on monsters.
11. Group Instant Heal-Level 5: Quickly heals the entire party by 700% of Wisdom.
12. Vitality Buff-Level 5: Increases the Vitality of the entire party by 15%.
13. Perfect Healing-Level 1: Recovers 100% of the target’s HP.
14. Soul Meditation-Level 1: For 30 seconds, MP is not consumed when skills are used.
15. Mind Web-Level 5: Prevents the target enemy and 8 enemies within 15 meters of it from moving for 12 seconds.
16. Divine Protection-Level 5: The damage taken by all party members is reduced by 50% for 30 seconds.
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Anna Mireille
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: ALTERNATIF BUILDS (FULL PSY)   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:57 pm


Masukkan 4 Vit setiap 5 level sampe lvl 50!!!

Gambar Skillnya kepotong... klo mau liat fullnya tinggal klik kanan view image...

LVL 1-50
ELF the Healer Healerelfcx8

LVL 51-99
ELF the Healer Priestelfdl7
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:35 pm

wahhh cupunya aku ini salah mulu masukin massage wakakakak,... baca dulu ahhh :bom:
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PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:38 pm

merii ngikut build yg kedua aja... :!:

klo aku sih ngikut yang kedua :bounce:
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PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:40 pm

oche boss yang kedia tuh yang full psy yah ?
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: ikud yang kedua!!!   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:43 pm

hooh enak tuh Alternatif build...

soal duid??? gampaaaanngggg..... ntar juga kaya dalam sekejap... (kalau beruntung) :lol:
masalahnya adalah...nurunin kebutuhan item tuh ada "CHANCE"nya....
iya kalo berhasil... kebutuhan bisa turun....
kalo gagal??? duid ilang... $$$$$$
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:43 pm


Full Psy dewa... eh Dewi wkkwkwkwkkwk...

Cuman equip Itemnya nih yg rada susah hehehehe...
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:23 pm

hm.. ic ic urusannya keknya main BGO, ato voucher tuker gold,.. mudah2 banyak yang sengaja ngumpulin gold dari hunt hi hi hi,.. :cherry: :cherry:
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Anna Mireille
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:31 pm

Nah itu enaknya suportive...

tinggal muter2 ngumpulin Crones...


Yang penting jangan ampe lupa Heal ato resurection... Atau bakal kena amukan separty huehuehue
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PostSubyek: Elf...   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:37 pm

Cc meri mau job apa buat second job nya?Priest ato Templar?Job Priest ga seberapa mahal karena cuma tipe buffer jadi item staff yg dipake Int att,kalo job Templar harus ada 3 senjata.
Yg pertama staff max magic attack + weapon attack opt
mace max melee+ dd opt
int mace/dagger/swt for buff
Itu aku tulis juga dengan colokannya buat senjata..
Sedangkan untuk armor kasih HP
Acc pasang Int+Vit kalo bisa,apalagi nanti kalo dah lv besar Pit Boss aja di Rakhon 3
Templar pake Mace with max melee+dd opt ga perlu keluarin skill cukup pukul biasa aja damage bisa sampe 10 K
Kalo mau porak porandain 1 guild lv 9x cukup 3 orang yaitu full vit guardian pake force of nature skill + priest + templar.
Templar owning buat pvp by 1,tapi kalo rusuh yang tawuran masal pasti mati pertama soalnya kita job healer
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:23 am

waaa ngak ngerti pemula banget he3
beharap di tuntun selama maen gamenya xi xi xi
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:27 am

wkwkw pantesan lu tanya gw detil2nya... ternyata mao dipasang disini to.
Btw salah dul priest tuh either pake psy staff ato vit staff. Biasa lv yg udah 9x pake vit weapon semua biar hpnya lbh banyak en nambah def. Dianjurkan jgn pake staff, pake one handed weapon, kayak dagger, sword ato mace. Cari yg psy ato vit stat, kenapa cari yg one handed weapon? supaya anda bisa pake shield. Kenapa ga pake staff? 1. 2 handed weapon, buat def jadi kurang aja... 2. Priest tugasnya cman healing and buff aja, ga perlu cari musuh ato pukul musuh... kalo mao bantuin bunuh ya pake aja magic attack skillnya... semua priest attack skillnya based on psy. tp untuk dibawah lv 50 silakan pake wand+shield

Untuk templar, si kampret udah jelasin intinya.. templar char plg mahal karena hrs punya 3 senjata kalo mau maximum.. belon lage hrs repot gonta ganti senjata untuk buffnya. Yg maseh mau tau templar itu gmana silakan aja tanya lage... just for ur information Tempalr untuk saat ini is the strongest char, bisa bunuh 5 org sekaligus dgn hitungan detik.. bkn bunuh char lv kecil lo tp 1 templar lv 9x lawan 5 char lv 9x
Templar = One man army, the most Over power char untuk sementara ini
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:39 am

jadi gini cc mau nanya nih detailnya ok :
1. untuk lvl 1 - 50 cc harus ambil job apa kl pake elf
2. kl setiap naik lvl cc harus naikin statusnya apa (cabal kan ada 3 int,str,ma dex cc di cabal full int karena cc wizard )
3. cc naikin lvl kan juga naikin skill mamaix mana yang harus dipriotitaskan
4. cc untuk lvl dari 1-50 harus pake senjata apa, amor, dll
5. nah di cabal kan ada forging,crafting ,upgrading, nah2 cc pake yang gemana
7. makasih yah udh bantuin cc hi hi hi jadi tersandung eh tersanjung :oops: :oops: :oops:
8. kalian semua baik bangettt faham artinya loyal comunity
9. Go.... savior on Rohan>>>> kyknya bukan saatnya balas dendam dulu deh
********* saatnya Kejar hadiah*************
10. masih bisa judy kan wakakakak
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:39 am

ayokkkkkkkkk rame-rame daftar templarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ^^
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:49 am

jadi gini cc mau nanya nih detailnya ok :
1. untuk lvl 1 - 50 cc harus ambil job apa kl pake elf
Kalo cc suka tipe healer ya naekkin pysche n skill untuk heal serta resurection serta beberapa skill buat solo tapi dikit aja
2. kl setiap naik lvl cc harus naikin statusnya apa (cabal kan ada 3 int,str,ma dex cc di cabal full int karena cc wizard )
Kalo cc lv 50 nya mau jadi priest ya naekkin pysche,kalo mau jadi templar ya naekkin int.Untuk ketentuan naekkin brp ga ada yang pasti jadi terserah cc naekkin 3 int +1 vit ato gimana kan semua nantinya juga tergantung di acc serta Eq cc
3. cc naikin lvl kan juga naikin skill mamaix mana yang harus dipriotitaskan
4. cc untuk lvl dari 1-50 harus pake senjata apa, amor, dll
Kalo cc tidak keburu2 ngejar lv cc ikutin aja questnya karena dari quest dapat Eq.Dan Eq itu nanti nya bisa dicombine buat jadi rare n unique.Kalo perlu aspd yang cepet pake Wand,kalo mau damage besar ya pake staff.Kalo pake wand bisa pake shield jadi Pd/Pysical Defnya nambah ini biasanya buat priest,kalo templar pake Mace+shield.Staff kebanyakan di pake oleh Mage
5. nah di cabal kan ada forging,crafting ,upgrading, nah2 cc pake yang gemana
DiRohan cuma ada crafting ama nurunin status serta lv dari barang.Tidak ada upgrading
7. makasih yah udh bantuin cc hi hi hi jadi tersandung eh tersanjung
8. kalian semua baik bangettt faham artinya loyal comunity
9. Go.... savior on Rohan>>>> kyknya bukan saatnya balas dendam dulu deh
********* saatnya Kejar hadiah*************
10. masih bisa judy kan wakakakak
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PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:59 am

Tambahan mace br bisa dipake setelah lv 54,jgn pake mace kalo sebelon dapet blunt mastery,pake wand+shield sampe lv 54
untuk priest pake shield+one handed weapon with psy stat
resurestion skill ga usah
lv 1 ae
pake scroll lbh ok
priest skill banyak
lbh enak disave dolo buat priest skill
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:40 am

siapin ressurection plisss.... 😢 😢 😢
buad aku tar kalo mati... kan orang pinter cepet matinya... contoh : Warlock yang ngisi INT :arrow: pinter tuh banyak INT nya... :lol:

lagian priest bisa dibikin tanker juga yahhh... pake shield apa tuh aku lupa namanya....
kan bisa buad bantuan TB plus "taunt"... "taunt"... "taunt"...... (buad levelling rame2 tentunya) :face:
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Anna Mireille
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:48 am

BTW... Ressurection Scroll Kan agak mahal ^^

Tergantung jg sih level berapa...

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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:48 am

ow ic2,.. berarti komposisi dari status bisa dirubah yah,... kyk perlu ep pot gitu kan, Extrack Poition gitu kan ?,
nah kl skill magix buat cc untuk lvl 1-50 apa aja yang dinaikinnya,soalnya game rohan ini seperti perfect world yang harus naikin skill tree nya,.. ya kan ?>>> jadi sama donk gb skill hik..hik..hik..

pertanyaan terakhir yang ngak ngerti buat cc : aku kan main di server internasional sebentar sih , ada pengaruhnya ngak dari status kita, atau skill kalo kita kill momonnya = soalnya ada itungan kill momonnya 1- 30 trus makin meningkat,.. sekian dan terima kasih
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:53 am

wew bisa yah??? kalo di "reset" ke awal sih keknya bisa.........
kerjanya beda ama "extrak pot" punya CABAL mer.. disini pake apa aku juga ga taw.. ga pernah sih....

soal skill tree kan berdasar level... jadi levelling jg ntar daped...
ga ada critanya level 10 dah punya smua skill kecuali ngecit Smile Poring
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PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:54 am

Tapi kan ga butuh transcender kek di Cabal yang butuh waktu 2 minggu penuh pake 2 skill magic novice yang parah XD

cuma butuh lvl aja... sisanya terserah mo diisi apa ngga :o :o
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PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:02 am

gini aja merii....
loe nya mo maen healer(support) ato templar(attack)?

kalo mo healer... tar sambil ol game nya konsultasi ama Rubahtua (Winterberries). Dia dah pengalaman Healer full support....

Kalo mo jadi Templar nanti rame kok yg di guild jadi templar..

jadi konsultasi stat ama skill yg mesti di ambil dulu, dilakukan sambil maen game nya aja.. tiap naek lvl tanya juga gpp wakaka
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PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:25 am

Clave wrote:

kalo mo healer... tar sambil ol game nya konsultasi ama Rubahtua (Winterberries). Dia dah pengalaman Healer full support....

ahhh jng gitu bozz jadi malu :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
ak jg masih niubi nanti kita sama sama belajar aja yach ci merry
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ELF the Healer Empty
PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:50 am

Poring lol Poring lol makachi2,.. siap jam 12 ready login he3
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PostSubyek: Re: ELF the Healer   ELF the Healer Icon_minitime1

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ELF the Healer
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